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Everything You Need to Know About Living A Life On-The-Go

  Image via Pexels   Everything You Need to Know About Living A Life On-The-Go In recent years, the trend of digital nomadism has taken off as more and more people are discovering the freedom and flexibility of working remotely. A digital nomad is someone who uses technology to work from anywhere in the world…

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3 Things to Consider Before Becoming a Momtrepreneur

  For my readers who’ve never heard the term before, a momtrepreneur is a mother who is also an entrepreneur. It is not restricted to working/stay at home moms or single/married moms. It’s inclusive of all entrepreneurial moms. As if motherhood isn’t challenging enough, we’re now throwing the uncertainty of entrepreneurship into the mix. I…

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Top 5 Pitfalls of Entrepreneurship

Starting a business can be tricky and in most cases disastrous if one doesn’t know what they are doing. It is no wonder that so many businesses collapse within the first five years or less, but the good news is that a lot more companies have succeeded nonetheless. If anyone wants to start their own…

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The 10 Commandments of Online Customer Service

The 10 Commandments of Online Customer Service An online business has all kinds of benefits, but one area that becomes more difficult is customer service. It’s more difficult to provide the best service when a representative can’t interact with those customers in person. Fortunately, these 10 commandments of customer service will ensure any e-commerce business…

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How to Become the Top Vacation Rental Host in Your Area

How to Become the Top Vacation Rental Host in Your Area If the idea of opening your own vacation rental as a way to make extra money sounds inviting, then there are several factors that you will want to keep in mind. The business of vacation + rentals is becoming more competitive, so you will…

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10 Ways Startups Can Increase Their Online Presence

10 Ways Startups Can Increase Their Online Presence Many startup companies wonder how they can improve their online presence. There are a few common trends in building a successful online presence that even a traditional brick and mortar company can leverage to their advantage. More people search online to find what they need than ever…

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8 Things All Successful Startups Have in Common

8 Things All Successful Startups Have in Common Eight Things All Successful Startups Have in Common A few years back, a majority of the biggest business names in the world today were startups. Somewhere along the way, the leaders or owners of such businesses discovered a method of winning over customers or making their mark;…

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9 Great Ways to Promote Your Small Business on Facebook

Nine Great Ways to Promote Your Small Business on Facebook In today’s world, one of the best ways to promote small businesses is on social media. It can be difficult to know exactly where to start, though, even if you’ve narrowed down your platform options to one. Follow these marketing tips for promoting your small…

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